Phase One
During Phase One, residents experience a 7 day "blackout" period where they are not prohibited to leave the facility. This allows them to become acclimated to the program, get to know the staff, and settle into their new, temporary home.
Phase One residents are partnered with a mentor, who is typically a resident in Phase Two, to help bridge the gap between their previous environment and their new one at Allentown Residential.
Residents then meet with our intake coordinator and are provided with an initial treatment plan. Within 72 hours, residents meet with their individual counselor to conduct a PTSD Assessment, Psychosocial Evaluation, and create a Master Treatment Plan before they are introduced to psycho-educational groups where they dive into their relationships with addiction.
Phase Two
During Phase Two, residents focus on their relationships with their families and begin to establish a sense of community engagement. Residents gain insight into healthy communication and recovery-based supports as they take on more responsibility for themselves.
Residents meet with our in-house CRS, attend recovery-based meetings outside of the facility, participate in Life Skills courses, and join in a variety of community events. The counselor or Family Program Coordinator will conduct at least one family session and begin to solidify aftercare plans.
Examples of Recovery Based Meetings & Events:
NA/AA Meetings, Celebrate Recovery, Dharma, Church Organizations, Synch Recovery, Health Bureau, Promise Neighborhoods, Manito Equestrian Center, The Lehigh Valley Halfway House, Gym/Physical Fitness Program, Allentown Center for Recovery, The Hope Center, The Palmer Center for Recovery, Mindfulness/Meditation, Yoga Classes etc.

Phase Three
During Phase Three, residents prepare to transition to the next level of care. Residents are awarded additional privileges, including additional smoke breaks and time outside the facility, additional phone calls, and the ability to act as a role model in the community.
Residents are encouraged to act as community advocates who assist in sustaining relationships and maintaining recovery. Residents are able to identify particular triggers, potential coping skills and supports available to them. Aftercare plans will become solidified based on their individual circumstances.
Aftercare plans can include, but are not limited to; physical health, doctors, addiction treatment programs, MAT providers, psychiatrists, family therapists, recovery-based meetings, and reporting instructions to probation/parole.
In this Phase, residents successfully complete the program.